Warburg School


Mark your calendar for Family Fun Night on May 9th

  • Congratulations to our Christmas Dinner Draw winners!

    Posted on    Posted in Special Event days

    Congratulations to the winners of our Cookie Decorating draw.  We had 67 students participate in this fun family activity and a randomly selected draw was held on Facebook Live.  Congratulations go to the following families:  Zukowski, Kelly, Shymansky, Gooler-Vipond

    A BONUS draw was then held with ALL families names put in the computer generated selector and the Carbert and Parkyn Families were pulled to win!

    All of the winners received a turkey, a ham and a bag of potatoes to complete their Christmas dinner.  As we could not host our annual Christmas Dinner this year our school purchased the turkey, ham and potatoes as we normally do for the dinner, but instead held this draw for our families.

    Thank you to our Warburg FCSS for sponsoring the cookies for decorating.

    Merry Christmas to all!

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